It’s a holiday series with a twist! Sukkot GRWM, October 22, 12:00pm -1:30pm.
Light lunch provided. Location at B’nai Jehudah (in sukkah, weather permitting). In addition to learning about Sukkot we will be making windchimes together.
Save the dates:
Friday, November 15, 6:00pm #GRWM for Shabbat and Rabbi’s Table
Thursday, December 12, 12:00pm #GRWM for Hanukkah
Thursday, February 13, 12:00pm #GRWM for Tu BiShvat
Saturday, March 1, 7:00pm #GRWM for Purim
Tuesday, April 8, 7:00pm #GRWM for Passover
Wednesday, April 23, 12:00pm #GRWM for The Yom’s