The rabbis teach that Torah was given down in fire, and in fire it is to be transmitted. During our bet mitzvah Program we try to recapture the intensity of that fire, and to strive to understand what message the Torah has for us today. We teach our students to question, to wrestle, and to fall in love with Torah, finding their own voices among the rabbis of our tradition.
The process of becoming a bet/bar/bat mitzvah requires years of study and practice. Yet, bet/bar/bat mitzvah is an age, not an event. It is a status that you achieve by becoming thirteen. At B’nai Jehudah we encourage our bet mitzvah students to lead a service, study and teach Torah and participate in a mitzvah project. Our hope is that through this process your entire family feels embraced by our synagogue community.
It is a privilege and joy for our rabbis and tutors to be able to spend this private time with you, and to share in this life cycle event. May it be filled with blessings and love, a sense of accomplishment and pride and a beginning to a lifelong engagement with Jewish learning.
- Please use this link for the Bet Mitzvah Guide to learn more about our process and timeline.
- Click here to listen to examples of our liturgical tunes and melodies.
- Questions about the bet mitzvah process? Please contact Michelle Adler-Wexler,
- Please use this link for sponsorships for your child’s bet mitzvah.
- Click here for Mitzvah Project ideas.