Confirmation (10th Grade)

Wednesdays, 7:00pm-8:15pm

Pizza is available at 6:30pm for dinner and socializing.

We love to see our B’nai Jehudah students continue their studies to further their knowledge and gain new understanding through a Jewish lens. After the years put into learning in Yalla!, the Bet Mitzvah process and Kesher, our 10th grade students may elect to be part of our Confirmation class – another important life cycle event.

Whereas the Bet Mitzvah process is an individual one, the confirmation process is done in community with your entire class. Students reconfirm their commitment to a life of Jewish learning as they explore Judaism with our rabbis as their teachers. Our rabbis fully embrace the opportunity to help nurture Jewish meaning, connection, and continuity within this next generation.

In addition to their year-long study, Confirmation students have the option to join classmates on a Jewish Tour of New York City in the spring of their 10th-grade year.* The year culminates with our Confirmation class leading our community in our Erev Shavuot service.

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