From the late 19th century onward, our congregation – with its rabbis and lay leaders – has created a caring community of Reform Jews, committed to worship, education and acts of loving-kindness and dedicated to the perpetuation of these ideals for ourselves and future generations.
We are diverse. Many B’nai Jehudah families can trace their involvement back through the generations, while others are relative newcomers. Many of our members were raised as Jews in Jewish households. Others have come to us through other faiths and traditions. All are welcome within The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah community. To find out more information on how to join and find your place in our community, contact us at (913) 663-4050 or
The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah seeks to strengthen, celebrate and enrich Jewish life, thus enhancing the life of the larger community. We pursue this mission through a rich and diverse program of Torah (study), Avodah (worship) and Gemilut (deeds of loving-kindness).
We invite you to share worship services with us at 12320 Nall Avenue and see the calendar for specific times and dates. The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism.
To nurture Jewish meaning, connection and continuity.
Our congregation values each one who walks through our doors. We embrace one another in our needs, hopes, and desires. We will accept others for who and what they are, recognizing ourselves in them. Each is created in God’s image and has gifts to share with other members of our congregation. We are present for one another as we encounter the full range of human experiences.
Sacredness can be found everywhere, if only we seek it. We infuse holiness into the world when we create moments that heal brokenness and when we catch glimpses of the underlying wholeness that connects everything and everyone. We recognize our earth beginnings, as our hands and hearts reach for wholeness. Every situation and every person holds the potential to bring about holiness.
We act by a set of values called “derech eretz.” Our behavior is guided by these principles of respect, honor, honesty, integrity, dignity, and humility. These patterns of behavior are literally “the way of the land.” They are the foundations of our relationship as a community and with one another. And even when holiness hides from us, we still act with derech eretz because such actions fan the holy sparks within us.