Social Action Committee

We have established a new Social Justice Committee and would welcome all who are interested.  Our congregation has joined the multi-faith Good Faith Network which is organizing thousands of residents of Johnson County to have an impact on local justice issues surrounding housing insecurity and establishing an emergency Johnson County Mental Crisis Center.  This organization’s work culminates in a presentation to the head of the Johnson County Commission and is attended by thousands of members.  We have also officially joined KIFA, Kansas Interfaith Action which is a Kansas wide multi-faith advocacy organization.  If you want to be a part of Social Justice at TTCBJ please consider joining us. You can contact the clergy assistant at for more information.

Good Faith Network:

We know all too well that our world – local, regional, national, global – needs our Tikkun Olam energy and action. Here’s what our congregation is doing, and how to support us through raising your voice. Starting summer 2023, our Social Justice Committee joined the Good Faith Network on behalf of our congregation. It is a national, interfaith initiative. In Johnson County, 28 congregations (Christian, Jewish, and Muslim) have created a local network so that we can act together to improve lives in our community. The Good Faith Network has identified three crucial focuses: affordable housing, homelessness, and mental health. The Network has helped pool resources, collect research, find funding sources, and promote effective advocacy with our County Commissioners. The Network has developed a process for working with our Commissioners to make important policy and funding changes to help achieve these important goals.  Why are we talking to you, our fellow congregants? We need your voice so that we can urge our Commissioners to continue this work. Evidence of effectiveness? Last year, 1200 people – members of our community’s congregations – participated in the Network’s culminating event, the Nehemiah Gathering (held at COR). Their collective voices has resulted in crucial policy and program changes that are moving us toward accomplishing our goals.

And we have a special connection to Nehemiah as the Good Faith Network’s model.

For questions or more information contact any of these members of the Social Justice Committee:

Dan Adler

(913) 205-1631

Jeanne Adler

Reva Friedman

(785) 766-7765

Alice Jacks

(816) 547-4553

Donna Thalblum

(913) 669-5229

Mitzvah Moments

Create some good in the world through one of these meaningful mitzvah opportunities!

High Holy Day Food Drive

The need is greater than ever, and we are excited to partner once again with JFS Food Pantry. Collect a grocery bag as you leave services on Rosh HaShanah, or fill up your own grocery bags.

Please return the food anytime between Rosh HaShanah and Sukkot in the food barrels located just inside B’nai Jehudah’s main entrance. Members of Brotherhood will be available to take bags from your car before Yom Kippur services. Please donate non-perishable foods.

Baking for Shabbat

3rd Monday of the month | 2:00 – 4:00 pm | B’nai Jehudah kitchen

Help prepare cookie dough for the next 4 Shabbats! Share your favorite (freezer-friendly) recipe if you like and we’ll prepare the dough as a group. Space is limited.

Feed Our Neighbors

3rd Monday of the month | 1:00 – 2:00 pm | B’nai Jehudah

Join us every 3rd Monday to create 125 PB&J sandwiches for Micah Ministries on Independence Boulevard. This is a time-honored tradition that is hallmarked on one of Klein Collection murals. We are happy to bring it back post-pandemic! Sign up for one or all!

Keeping People Warm

If you love to sew, knit, or craft, please consider creating adult items for Care Beyond the Boulevard (CBB). These items will be delivered to houseless individuals across KC. We are seeking adult sized (medium or larger) handmade hats, gloves, scarves, blankets, and shawls. A collection box will be in the Mitzvah Room at B’nai Jehudah. Questions? Contact Barbie Rogoff at

We will drop off the items to CBB every 3rd Monday of the month so if you have scrap yarn or material, please help us put it to good use.