Friendship. Community. Support.
Your membership makes so many wonderful things happen.
Your Sisterhood membership supports B’nai Jehudah. There are many other benefits for you too – meeting new people and making new friends, opportunities to help those in need, learning ways to make your life easier and more meaningful, and receiving a 10% discount in our Gift Shop. It’s also a lot of fun!
Our members range in age from young to young-at-heart. We provide exciting programming specially designed for women with children in religious school during Yalla! time. We also get together for Girls Night Out and May Jongg. And so much more!
For more information, please call Shanny Morgenstern at (913) 515-9054 or email her at (If you are unable to pay sisterhood dues please contact Shanny for confidential financial assistance.)

Thank you for joining the B’nai Jehudah Sisterhood.
Member benefits include:
- Getting to know an incredible community of like-minded women
- The opportunity to empower women and strengthen our collective voice
- Fun, engaging and educational events and activities
- Leadership development opportunities
- Great volunteer opportunities
- A discount at the Sisterhood Judaica Shop
- Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) conferences and resources
Annual Contribution: $45 // Rachel: $63 // Miriam: $81 // Leah: $99 // Sarah: $117
Thank you for supporting the Sisterhood of Congregation B’nai Jehudah.
Please pay online below or send your contact information, name & check payable to:
B’nai Jehudah Sisterhood
12320 Nall Avenue
Overland Park, KS 66209