The Shabbat between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur is called Shabbat Shuvah, the Sabbath of Repentance. Each year, this special service has featured a notable member of the clergy, offering a message of repentance and interpersonal reconciliation. We look forward to this unique opportunity to hear Rabbi Monica Kleinman inspire us for the coming year.
Rabbi Monica Kleinman currently serves as the Assistant Director of North American Programs at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, helping ensure that Torah continues to belong to the Jewish people as a whole. She has loved working in synagogues and with Jewish families since she was a teenager and strives to help others love Judaism and being Jewish as much as she does. In her free time, Rabbi Kleinman likes learning languages (she has a 1300+ streak going on Duolingo!), spending time with her husband, Rabbi Jon Kleinman, and four-year-old son, Jacob, and sharing Jewish life with others.